Monday, November 25, 2013

Paid Leadership

One of the companies I was with I saw a couple in a leadership position get paid over 1 Million Dollars to switch companies and be the "leader" in the new company. So they switched (wouldn't you for a Million Dollars) and they became the success story. They were the couple on the stage that was teaching everyone else how to do it, when they hadn't done it themselves. This happens so much in network marketing. So many leaders in MLM's are paid to switch companies to be the leaders and the success stories in the new companies. How do you know if the person at the "top" really got their themselves? Are they the paid success story? We do not have that in our business. No one is paid to be the leader. Everyone starts at the same point and has to earn it, including the owners. We have a better way, Join Us in our true profit sharing company.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Smoke and Mirrors

I was invited to a party for another MLM company. The guy that was doing the meeting said that he had been with the company for 8 months and was retired from the company and making eight thousand dollars a month. I stayed afterwards because I wanted to get a few more details. I visited with him for awhile and he shared with me that the company gave him a salary to make the materials used to build their business. This was how he had retired. It was not by building a business like he was teaching everyone else to. This is very common, if you see a brand new company that's only been around 6 months and there are people already at the top of the pay scale you need to question how they got there because in most cases they didn't get there by building the business like they are telling you to. You won't find those kind of smoke and mirrors in our business. If someone is at a certain level it is because they did all the work to get to that level so they can teach you how to get to that level also.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Right from the Start

The problem starts right at the beginning. Someone decides they are going to start a network marketing company. So they look for investors who are going to invest a lot of money in exchange for some type of benefit like a percentage of the company’s profits. Right off the bat they spilt their loyalty between the people actually doing the work and the people who gave them the money to start the MLM company in the first place. Guess who they are going to be the most loyal too, the people that gave them the money, they are going to want to stay on good terms in case they need more money to expand. In a business set up like this the owners and investors keep the majority of the income the business produces. We didn’t thing that was right so we set up a profit sharing company with all the good things that network marketing has but none of the downsides. Our company has zero investors and everyone makes money exactly like the owners do. No tricks, no smoke and mirrors, just a straight up better way to do business. Do you want to make money exactly like the owners do without having to pay investors out of your profits? Join us we have a better way!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Telling it like it is!

My family started a network marketing style business but it is different than any other business out there. The reason we did it was to actually have a business that really helps people instead of a business that is mostly designed for the owners and investors to make money. In the process of starting our company we learned a lot about how most MLM companies work and it is not pretty. I decided to finally share the shady things that go on in the world of network marketing because I am sick of talking to so many people that are being hurt by unscrupulous companies. People need to be educated about the things that so many of these companies do and I'm going to tell it like it is. Welcome to Insider MLM.