Saturday, November 16, 2013

Right from the Start

The problem starts right at the beginning. Someone decides they are going to start a network marketing company. So they look for investors who are going to invest a lot of money in exchange for some type of benefit like a percentage of the company’s profits. Right off the bat they spilt their loyalty between the people actually doing the work and the people who gave them the money to start the MLM company in the first place. Guess who they are going to be the most loyal too, the people that gave them the money, they are going to want to stay on good terms in case they need more money to expand. In a business set up like this the owners and investors keep the majority of the income the business produces. We didn’t thing that was right so we set up a profit sharing company with all the good things that network marketing has but none of the downsides. Our company has zero investors and everyone makes money exactly like the owners do. No tricks, no smoke and mirrors, just a straight up better way to do business. Do you want to make money exactly like the owners do without having to pay investors out of your profits? Join us we have a better way!!

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