Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Name Change!

I was talking to a guy the other day the was really excited about a “new” company that had only been around four months and already had people at the top of the pay scale. He just knew that if these “old” guys (he’s 19) could do it in four months he could too. He did not realize that they didn’t start at zero four months ago. What happened is there was a company that had been around for several years and sold to another group of investors. The new investors changed the name, the packaging, and started a “new” company with all the people still in place from the “old” company. From a marketing standpoint this is brilliant; make people think that they can go from zero to the top in four months, but what about the truth? How will you or someone you are helping feel in a year when you have put everything you have into it and are not at the top and maybe not even making that much money. Real lasting success will take time. Eric Worre talks about the 1/3/5/7 formula in his book “Go Pro”. The first 2 numbers in this formula says that is takes 1 year to figure out what you are doing and start making a little money and 3 years of steady work to be able to quit your job. This is a “little” more than the “four months to the top”. Tired of the “fake”? Join us and Time and Money, where everything is what it seems.

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